Proving Single Polynomial

Before dealing with all of \(\ell(x)\), \(r(x)\), and \(o(x)\) at once, we design a protocol that allows the Prover \(\mathcal{A}\) to convince the Verifier \(\mathcal{B}\) that \(\mathcal{A}\) knows a specific polynomial. Let's denote this polynomial of degree \(n\) with coefficients in a finite field as:

\begin{equation} P(x) = c_0 + c_1 x + c_2 x^{2} + \cdots c_n x^{n} \end{equation}

Assume \(P(x)\) has \(n\) roots, \(a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n \in \mathbb{F}\), such that \(P(x) = (x - a_1)(x - a_2)\cdots(x - a_n)\). The Verifier \(\mathcal{B}\) knows \(m < n\) roots of \(P(x)\), namely \(a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_m\). Let \(T(x) = (x - a_1)(x - a_2)\cdots(x - a_m)\). Note that the Prover also knows \(T(x)\).

The Prover's objective is to convince the Verifier that \(\mathcal{A}\) knows a polynomial \(H(x) = \frac{P(x)}{T(x)}\).

First Protocol: Naive Approach

The simplest approach to prove that \(\mathcal{A}\) knows \(H(x)\) is as follows:


  • \(\mathcal{B}\) sends all possible values in \(\mathbb{F}\) to \(\mathcal{A}\).
  • \(\mathcal{A}\) computes and sends all possible outputs of \(H(x)\) and \(P(x)\).
  • \(\mathcal{B}\) checks whether \(H(a)T(a) = P(a)\) holds for any \(a\) in \(\mathbb{F}\).

This protocol is highly inefficient, requiring \(\mathcal{O}(|\mathbb{F}|)\) evaluations and communications.


fn main() {
pub struct Prover1<F: Field> {
    pub p: Polynomial<F>,
    pub t: Polynomial<F>,
    pub h: Polynomial<F>,

pub struct Verifier1<F: Field> {
    pub t: Polynomial<F>,
    pub known_roots: Vec<F>,

impl<F: Field> Prover1<F> {
    pub fn new(p: Polynomial<F>, t: Polynomial<F>) -> Self {
        let h = p.clone() / t.clone();
        Prover1 { p, t, h }

    pub fn compute_all_values(&self, modulus: i128) -> (HashMap<F, F>, HashMap<F, F>) {
        let mut h_values = HashMap::new();
        let mut p_values = HashMap::new();

        for i in 0..modulus {
            let x = F::from_value(i);
            h_values.insert(x.clone(), self.h.eval(&x));
            p_values.insert(x.clone(), self.p.eval(&x));

        (h_values, p_values)

impl<F: Field> Verifier1<F> {
    pub fn new(known_roots: Vec<F>) -> Self {
        let t = Polynomial::from_monomials(&known_roots);
        Verifier1 { t, known_roots }

    pub fn verify(&self, h_values: &HashMap<F, F>, p_values: &HashMap<F, F>) -> bool {
        for (x, h_x) in h_values {
            let t_x = self.t.eval(x);
            let p_x = p_values.get(x).unwrap();
            if h_x.clone() * t_x != *p_x {
                return false;

pub fn naive_protocol<F: Field>(
    prover: &Prover1<F>,
    verifier: &Verifier1<F>,
    modulus: i128,
) -> bool {
    // Step 1: Verifier1 sends all possible values (implicitly done by Prover1 computing all values)

    // Step 2: Prover1 computes and sends all possible outputs
    let (h_values, p_values) = prover.compute_all_values(modulus);

    // Step 3: Verifier1 checks whether H(a)T(a) = P(a) holds for any a in F
    verifier.verify(&h_values, &p_values)

Second Protocol: Schwartz-Zippel Lemma

Instead of evaluating polynomials at all values in \(\mathbb{F}\), we can leverage the Schwartz-Zippel Lemma: if \(H(s) = \frac{P(s)}{T(s)}\) or equivalently \(H(s)T(s) = P(s)\) for a random element \(s\), we can conclude that \(H(x) = \frac{P(x)}{T(x)}\) with high probability. Thus, the Prover \(\mathcal{A}\) only needs to send evaluations of \(P(s)\) and \(H(s)\) for a random input \(s\) received from \(\mathcal{B}\).


  • \(\mathcal{B}\) draws random \(s\) from \(\mathbb{F}\) and sends it to \(\mathcal{A}\).
  • \(\mathcal{A}\) computes \(h = H(s)\) and \(p = P(s)\) and send them to \(\mathcal{B}\).
  • \(\mathcal{B}\) checks whether \(p = t h\), where \(t\) denotes \(T(s)\).

This protocol is efficient, requiring only a constant number of evaluations and communications.


fn main() {
pub struct Prover2<F: Field> {
    pub p: Polynomial<F>,
    pub t: Polynomial<F>,
    pub h: Polynomial<F>,

pub struct Verifier2<F: Field> {
    pub t: Polynomial<F>,

impl<F: Field> Prover2<F> {
    pub fn new(p: Polynomial<F>, t: Polynomial<F>) -> Self {
        let h = p.clone() / t.clone();
        Prover2 { p, t, h }

    pub fn compute_values(&self, s: &F) -> (F, F) {
        let h_s = self.h.eval(s);
        let p_s = self.p.eval(s);
        (h_s, p_s)

impl<F: Field> Verifier2<F> {
    pub fn new(t: Polynomial<F>) -> Self {
        Verifier2 { t }

    pub fn generate_challenge(&self) -> F {

    pub fn verify(&self, s: &F, h: &F, p: &F) -> bool {
        let t_s = self.t.eval(s);
        h.clone() * t_s == *p

pub fn schwartz_zippel_protocol<F: Field>(prover: &Prover2<F>, verifier: &Verifier2<F>) -> bool {
    // Step 1: Verifier2 generates a random challenge
    let s = verifier.generate_challenge();

    // Step 2: Prover2 computes and sends h and p
    let (h, p) = prover.compute_values(&s);

    // Step 3: Verifier2 checks whether p = t * h
    verifier.verify(&s, &h, &p)


However, it is vulnerable to a malicious prover who could send an arbitrary value \(h'\) and the corresponding \(p'\) such that \(p' = h't\).

fn main() {
// Simulating a malicious prover
pub struct MaliciousProver2<F: Field> {
    t: Polynomial<F>,

impl<F: Field> MaliciousProver2<F> {
    pub fn new(t: Polynomial<F>) -> Self {
        MaliciousProver2 { t }

    pub fn compute_malicious_values(&self, s: &F) -> (F, F) {
        let h_prime = F::random_element(&[]);
        let t_s = self.t.eval(s);
        let p_prime = h_prime.clone() * t_s;
        (h_prime, p_prime)

pub fn malicious_schwartz_zippel_protocol<F: Field>(
    prover: &MaliciousProver2<F>,
    verifier: &Verifier2<F>,
) -> bool {
    // Step 1: Verifier2 generates a random challenge
    let s = verifier.generate_challenge();

    // Step 2: Malicious Prover2 computes and sends h' and p'
    let (h_prime, p_prime) = prover.compute_malicious_values(&s);

    // Step 3: Verifier2 checks whether p' = t * h'
    verifier.verify(&s, &h_prime, &p_prime)

Third Protocol: Discrete Logarithm Assumption

To address this vulnerability, the Verifier must hide the randomly chosen input \(s\) from the Prover. This can be achieved using the discrete logarithm assumption: it is computationally hard to determine \(s\) from \(\gamma\), where \(\gamma = g^s \bmod q\). Thus, it's safe for the Verifier to send \(\gamma\), as the Prover cannot easily derive \(s\) from it.

An interesting property of polynomial exponentiation is:

\begin{align} g^{P(x)} &= g^{c_0 + c_1 x + c_2 x^{2} + \cdots c_n x^{n}} = g^{c_0} (g^{x})^{c_1} (g^{(x^2)})^{c_2} \cdots (g^{(x^n)})^{c_n} \end{align}

Instead of sending \(s\), the Verifier can send \(g\) and \(\gamma_{i} = g^{(s^i)}\) for \(i = 1, \cdots n\). BE CAREFUL THAT \(g^{(s^i)} \neq (g^s)^i\). The Prover can still evaluate \(g^p = g^{P(s)}\) using these powers of \(g\):

\begin{equation} g^{p} = g^{P(s)} = g^{c_0} \gamma_{1}^{c_1} \gamma_{2}^{c_2} \cdots \gamma_{n}^{c_n} \end{equation}

Similarly, the Prover can evaluate \(g^h = g^{H(s)}\). The Verifier can then check \(p = ht \iff g^p = (g^h)^t\).


  • \(\mathcal{B}\) randomly draw \(s\) from \(\mathbb{F}\).
  • \(\mathcal{B}\) computes and sends \(\{\gamma_1, \gamma_2, ..., \gamma_{n}\}\), where \(\gamma_i= g^{(s^{i})}\).
  • \(\mathcal{A}\) computes and sends \(u = g^{p}\) and \(v = g^{h}\).
  • \(\mathcal{B}\) checks whether \(u = v^{t}\).

This approach prevents the Prover from obtaining \(s\) or \(t = T(s)\), making it impossible to send fake \((h', p')\) such that \(p' = h't\).


Suppose we are working in a finite field (\mathbb{F}_q) derived from a prime number (q). It’s important to note that

\[g^{c_0} \cdot (g^{s^{1} \bmod q})^{c_1} \cdots (g^{s^{n} \bmod q})^{c_n} \bmod q \]

is not equal to

\[g^{c_0 + c_1 s^{1} + c_2 s^{2} + \cdots c_n s^{n}} \bmod q\]

However, directly calculating \(s^i\) without taking modulo results in too large values to handle. To address this, we leverage Fermat's Little Theorem, which states that for a prime \(q\):

\[a^{b \bmod q - 1} \bmod q\]

Following this principle, our implementation computes \(s^i\) modulo \(q - 1\) to keep the values manageable.

fn main() {
pub struct Prover3<F: Field> {
    pub p: Polynomial<F>,
    pub t: Polynomial<F>,
    pub h: Polynomial<F>,

pub struct Verifier3<F: Field> {
    t: Polynomial<F>,
    s: F,
    g: F,

impl<F: Field> Prover3<F> {
    pub fn new(p: Polynomial<F>, t: Polynomial<F>) -> Self {
        let h = p.clone() / t.clone();
        Prover3 { p, t, h }

    pub fn compute_values(&self, s_powers: &[F]) -> (F, F) {
        let g_p = self.p.eval_with_powers(s_powers);
        let g_h = self.h.eval_with_powers(s_powers);
        (g_p, g_h)

impl<F: Field> Verifier3<F> {
    pub fn new(t: Polynomial<F>, generator: i128) -> Self {
        let s = F::random_element(&[]);
        let g = F::from_value(generator);
        Verifier3 { t, s, g }

    pub fn generate_challenge(&self, max_degree: usize) -> Vec<F> {
        let mut s_powers = vec![];
        for i in 0..(max_degree + 1) {

    pub fn verify(&self, u: &F, v: &F) -> bool {
        let t_s = self.t.eval_m1(&self.s);
        u == &v.pow(t_s.get_value())

pub fn discrete_log_protocol<F: Field>(prover: &Prover3<F>, verifier: &Verifier3<F>) -> bool {
    // Step 1 & 2: Verifier3 generates a challenge
    let max_degree =;
    let s_powers = verifier.generate_challenge(max_degree as usize);

    // Step 3: Prover3 computes and sends u = g^p and v = g^h
    let (u, v) = prover.compute_values(&s_powers);

    // Step 4: Verifier3 checks whether u = v^t
    verifier.verify(&u, &v)


However, this protocol still has a flaw. Since the Prover can compute \(g^t\) from \(\gamma _1, \cdots \gamma _m\), they could send fake values \(((g^{t})^{z}, g^{z})\) instead of \((g^p, g^h)\) for an arbitrary value \(z\). The verifier's check would still pass, and they could not detect this deception.

fn main() {
// Simulating a malicious prover
pub struct MaliciousProver3<F: Field> {
    t: Polynomial<F>,

impl<F: Field> MaliciousProver3<F> {
    pub fn new(t: Polynomial<F>) -> Self {
        MaliciousProver3 { t }

    pub fn compute_malicious_values(&self, s_powers: &[F]) -> (F, F) {
        let g_t = self.t.eval_with_powers(s_powers);
        let z = F::random_element(&[]);
        let g = &s_powers[0];
        let fake_v = g.pow(z.get_value());
        let fake_u = g_t.pow(z.get_value());
        (fake_u, fake_v)

pub fn malicious_discrete_log_protocol<F: Field>(
    prover: &MaliciousProver3<F>,
    verifier: &Verifier3<F>,
) -> bool {
    // Step 1 & 2: Verifier3 generates a challenge
    let max_degree = as usize;
    let s_powers = verifier.generate_challenge(max_degree as usize);

    // Step 3: Malicious Prover3 computes and sends fake u and v
    let (fake_u, fake_v) = prover.compute_malicious_values(&s_powers);

    // Step 4: Verifier3 checks whether u = v^t (which will pass for the fake values)
    verifier.verify(&fake_u, &fake_v)

Forth Protocol: Knowledge of Exponent Assumption

To address the vulnerability where the verifier \(\mathcal{B}\) cannot distinguish if \(v (= g^h)\) from the prover is a power of \(\gamma_i = g^{(s^i)}\), we can employ the Knowledge of Exponent Assumption. This approach involves the following steps:

  • \(\mathcal{B}\) sends both \(\gamma_i\) and \(\gamma'_i = \gamma_i^r\) for a new random value \(r\).
  • The prover returns \(a = (\gamma_i)^{c_i}\) and \(a' = (\gamma'_i)^{c_i}\) for \(i = 1, ..., n\).
  • \(\mathcal{B}\) can conclude that \(a\) is a power of \(\gamma_i\) if \(a^r = a'\).

Based on this assumption, we can design an improved protocol:


  • \(\mathcal{B}\) randomly selects \(s\) and \(r\) from field \(\mathbb{F}\).
  • \(\mathcal{B}\) computes and sends \(\{\gamma_1, \gamma_2, ..., \gamma_{n}\}\) and \(\{\gamma'_1, \gamma'_2, ..., \gamma'_{n}\}\), where \(\gamma_i = g^{(s^i)}\) and \(\gamma' = \gamma_{r} = g^{(s^{i})r}\).
  • \(\mathcal{A}\) computes and sends \(u = g^{p}\), \(v = g^{h}\), and \(w = g^{p'}\), where \(g^{p'} = g^{rP(s)}\).
  • \(\mathcal{B}\) checks whether \(u^{r} = w\).
  • \(\mathcal{B}\) checks whether \(u = v^{t}\).

The prover can compute \(g^{p'} = g^{rP(s)} = g^{c_0} (\gamma_{1})'^{c_1} (\gamma'_{2})^{c_2} \cdots (\gamma_{n}')^{c_n}\). This protocol now satisfies the properties of a SNARK: completeness, soundness, and efficiency.


fn main() {
pub struct Prover4<F: Field> {
    pub p: Polynomial<F>,
    pub t: Polynomial<F>,
    pub h: Polynomial<F>,

pub struct Verifier4<F: Field> {
    t: Polynomial<F>,
    s: F,
    r: F,
    g: F,

impl<F: Field> Prover4<F> {
    pub fn new(p: Polynomial<F>, t: Polynomial<F>) -> Self {
        let h = p.clone() / t.clone();
        Prover4 { p, t, h }

    pub fn compute_values(&self, s_powers: &[F], s_prime_powers: &[F]) -> (F, F, F) {
        let g_p = self.p.eval_with_powers(s_powers);
        let g_h = self.h.eval_with_powers(s_powers);
        let g_p_prime = self.p.eval_with_powers(s_prime_powers);
        (g_p, g_h, g_p_prime)

impl<F: Field> Verifier4<F> {
    pub fn new(t: Polynomial<F>, generator: i128) -> Self {
        let s = F::random_element(&[]);
        let r = F::random_element(&[]);
        let g = F::from_value(generator);
        Verifier4 { t, s, r, g }

    pub fn generate_challenge(&self, max_degree: usize) -> (Vec<F>, Vec<F>) {
        let mut s_powers = vec![];
        let mut s_prime_powers = vec![];

        for i in 0..(max_degree + 1) {

        (s_powers, s_prime_powers)

    pub fn verify(&self, u: &F, v: &F, w: &F) -> bool {
        let t_s = self.t.eval_m1(&self.s);
        let u_r = u.pow(self.r.clone().get_value());

        // Check 1: u^r = w
        let check1 = u_r == *w;

        // Check 2: u = v^t
        let check2 = *u == v.pow(t_s.get_value());

        check1 && check2

pub fn knowledge_of_exponent_protocol<F: Field>(
    prover: &Prover4<F>,
    verifier: &Verifier4<F>,
) -> bool {
    // Step 1 & 2: Verifier4 generates a challenge
    let max_degree = std::cmp::max(, as usize;
    let (s_powers, s_prime_powers) = verifier.generate_challenge(max_degree + 1);

    // Step 3: Prover4 computes and sends u = g^p, v = g^h, and w = g^p'
    let (u, v, w) = prover.compute_values(&s_powers, &s_prime_powers);

    // Step 4 & 5: Verifier4 checks whether u^r = w and u = v^t
    verifier.verify(&u, &v, &w)

Fifth Protocol: Zero Knowledge

To transform the above protocol into a zk-SNARK, we need to ensure that the verifier cannot learn anything about \(P(x)\) from the prover's information. This is achieved by having the prover obfuscate all information with a random secret value \(\delta\):


  • \(\mathcal{B}\) randomly selects \(s\) and \(r\) from field \(\mathbb{F}\).
  • \(\mathcal{B}\) computes and sends \(\{\gamma_1, \gamma_2, ..., \gamma_{n}\}\) and \(\{\gamma_1', \gamma'_2, ..., \gamma'_{n}\}\), where \(\gamma_i = g^{(s^{i})}\) and \(\gamma_i' = \gamma_i^{r} = g^{(s^{i})r}\).
  • \(\mathcal{A}\) randomly selects \(\delta\) from field \(\mathbb{F}\).
  • \(\mathcal{A}\) computes and sends \(u' = (g^{p})^{\delta}\), \(v' = (g^{h})^{\delta}\), and \(w' = (g^{p'})^{\delta}\).
  • \(\mathcal{B}\) checks whether \(u'^{r} = w'\).
  • \(\mathcal{B}\) checks whether \(u' = v'^{t}\).

By introducing the random value \(\delta\), the verifier can no longer learn anything about \(p\), \(h\), or \(w\), thus achieving zero knowledge.


fn main() {
pub struct Prover5<F: Field> {
    pub p: Polynomial<F>,
    pub t: Polynomial<F>,
    pub h: Polynomial<F>,

pub struct Verifier5<F: Field> {
    t: Polynomial<F>,
    s: F,
    r: F,
    g: F,

impl<F: Field> Prover5<F> {
    pub fn new(p: Polynomial<F>, t: Polynomial<F>) -> Self {
        let h = p.clone() / t.clone();
        Prover5 { p, t, h }

    pub fn compute_values(&self, s_powers: &[F], s_prime_powers: &[F]) -> (F, F, F) {
        let delta = F::random_element(&[]);

        let g_p = self.p.eval_with_powers(s_powers);
        let g_h = self.h.eval_with_powers(s_powers);
        let g_p_prime = self.p.eval_with_powers(s_prime_powers);

        let u_prime = g_p.pow(delta.get_value());
        let v_prime = g_h.pow(delta.get_value());
        let w_prime = g_p_prime.pow(delta.get_value());

        (u_prime, v_prime, w_prime)

impl<F: Field> Verifier5<F> {
    pub fn new(t: Polynomial<F>, generator: i128) -> Self {
        let s = F::random_element(&[]);
        let r = F::random_element(&[]);
        let g = F::from_value(generator);
        Verifier5 { t, s, r, g }

    pub fn generate_challenge(&self, max_degree: usize) -> (Vec<F>, Vec<F>) {
        let mut s_powers = vec![];
        let mut s_prime_powers = vec![];

        for i in 0..(max_degree + 1) {

        (s_powers, s_prime_powers)

    pub fn verify(&self, u_prime: &F, v_prime: &F, w_prime: &F) -> bool {
        let t_s = self.t.eval_m1(&self.s);
        let u_prime_r = u_prime.pow(self.r.clone().get_value());

        // Check 1: u'^r = w'
        let check1 = u_prime_r == *w_prime;

        // Check 2: u' = v'^t
        let check2 = *u_prime == v_prime.pow(t_s.get_value());

        check1 && check2

pub fn zk_protocol<F: Field>(prover: &Prover5<F>, verifier: &Verifier5<F>) -> bool {
    // Step 1 & 2: Verifier5 generates a challenge
    let max_degree = std::cmp::max(, as usize;
    let (s_powers, s_prime_powers) = verifier.generate_challenge(max_degree + 1);

    // Step 3 & 4: Prover5 computes and sends u' = (g^p)^δ, v' = (g^h)^δ, and w' = (g^p')^δ
    let (u_prime, v_prime, w_prime) = prover.compute_values(&s_powers, &s_prime_powers);

    // Step 5 & 6: Verifier5 checks whether u'^r = w' and u' = v'^t
    verifier.verify(&u_prime, &v_prime, &w_prime)

Sixth Protocol: Non-interactivity

The previously described protocol requires each verifier to generate unique random values, which becomes inefficient when a prover needs to demonstrate knowledge to multiple verifiers. To address this, we aim to eliminate the interaction between the prover and verifier. One effective solution is the use of a trusted setup.

Specifically, we let a thrid trusted party generate the secret seeds, which neither the prover nor the verifier can access. However, this prevents the verifier \(\mathcal{B}\) from calculating \(u'^{r}\) to check \(u'^{r} = w'\). Instead, the verifier can use a paring with bilinear mapping; \(u'^{r} = w'\) is equivalent to \(e(u' = (g^{p})^{\delta}, g^{r}) = e(w'=(g^{p'})^{\delta}, g)\).

In this tutorial, we adopt the optimal ate pairing, which is an asynmetric pairing and uses two different cyclic groups derived from elliptic curves; \(e(g_1^a, g_2^b) = e(g_1^{ab}, g_2) = e(b_1, g_2^{ab})\), where \(g_1\) and \(g_2\) are the generators of two different cyclic groups.

Protocol (Trusted Setup):

  • Secret Seed: A trusted third party generates the random values \(s\) and \(r\)
  • Proof Key: Provided to the prover
    • \(\{\gamma_1, \gamma_2, ..., \gamma_{n}\}\), where \(\gamma_{i} = g_1^{(s^i)}\)
    • \(\{\gamma'_1, \gamma'_2, ..., \gamma'_{n}\}\), where \(\gamma_i' = g_1^{(s^{i})r}\)
  • Verification Key: Distributed to verifiers
    • \(g_2^r\)
    • \(g_2^t := g_2^{T(s)}\)
  • After distribution, the original secret seeds are securely destroyed.

Then, the non-interactive protocol consists of two main parts: proof generation and verification.

Protocol (Proof):

  • \(\mathcal{A}\) receives the proof key
  • \(\mathcal{A}\) randomly selects \(\delta\) from field \(\mathbb{F}\).
  • \(\mathcal{A}\) broadcast the proof \(\pi = (u' = (g_1^{p})^{\delta}, v' = (g_1^{h})^{\delta}, w' = (g_1^{p'})^{\delta})\)

Protocol (Verification):

  • \(\mathcal{B}\) receives the verification key.
  • \(\mathcal{B}\) receives the proof \(\pi\).
  • \(\mathcal{B}\) checks whether \(e(u', g_2^r) = e(w', g_2)\).
  • \(\mathcal{B}\) checks whether \(e(u', g_2) = e (v', g_2^t)\).


This tutorial utilize elliptic curves called BN128 for pairing:

  • First Group:

    • Curve: \(Y^2 = x^3 + 3\) over the finite field \(\mathbb{F}_{q}\), where \(q\) is defined as 21888242871839275222246405745257275088696311157297823662689037894645226208583.
    • Generator \(\mathscr{g}_1 := (1, 2)\)
  • Second Group:

    • Curve: \(Y^2 = x^3 + 3\) over the finite field \(\mathbb{F} _{q^2}\)
    • Modulus polynomial for \(\mathbb{F} _{q^2}\): \(x^2 + 1\)
    • Generator \(\mathscr{g}_2\) := (11559732032986387107991004021392285783925812861821192530917403151452391805634x + 10857046999023057135944570762232829481370756359578518086990519993285655852781, 4082367875863433681332203403145435568316851327593401208105741076214120093531x + 8495653923123431417604973247489272438418190587263600148770280649306958101930)

The orders of two groups are \(\omega := \) 21888242871839275222246405745257275088548364400416034343698204186575808495617. Thus, we evaluate the polynomials over the finite field \(\mathbb{F}_{\omega}\).

In the context of elliptic curves, the power of a generator corresponds to the multiplication of an elliptic curve point. This property is reflected in the ate pairing on BN128, which satisfies:

\[ e(a \mathscr{g}_1, b \mathscr{g}_2) = e(ab \mathscr{g}_1, \mathscr{g}_2) = e(\mathscr{g}_1, ab\mathscr{g}_2)

fn main() {
pub struct ProofKey {
    alpha: Vec<G1Point>,
    alpha_prime: Vec<G1Point>,

pub struct VerificationKey {
    g_r: G2Point,
    g_t_s: G2Point,

pub struct Proof {
    u_prime: G1Point,
    v_prime: G1Point,
    w_prime: G1Point,

pub fn setup(
    g1: &G1Point,
    g2: &G2Point,
    t: &Polynomial<FqOrder>,
    n: usize,
) -> (ProofKey, VerificationKey) {
    let s = FqOrder::random_element(&[]);
    let r = FqOrder::random_element(&[]);

    let mut alpha = Vec::with_capacity(n);
    let mut alpha_prime = Vec::with_capacity(n);

    let mut s_power = FqOrder::one();
    for _ in 0..1 + n {
        alpha_prime.push(g1.mul_ref((s_power.clone() * r.clone()).get_value()));
        s_power = s_power * s.clone();

    let g_r = g2.mul_ref(r.clone().get_value());
    let g_t_s = g2.mul_ref(t.eval(&s).get_value());

        ProofKey { alpha, alpha_prime },
        VerificationKey { g_r, g_t_s },

pub fn prove(p: &Polynomial<FqOrder>, t: &Polynomial<FqOrder>, proof_key: &ProofKey) -> Proof {
    let h = p.clone() / t.clone();
    let delta = FqOrder::random_element(&[]);

    let g_p = p.eval_with_powers_on_curve(&proof_key.alpha);
    let g_h = h.eval_with_powers_on_curve(&proof_key.alpha);
    let g_p_prime = p.eval_with_powers_on_curve(&proof_key.alpha_prime);

    Proof {
        u_prime: g_p * delta.get_value(),
        v_prime: g_h * delta.get_value(),
        w_prime: g_p_prime * delta.get_value(),

pub fn verify(g2: &G2Point, proof: &Proof, vk: &VerificationKey) -> bool {
    // Check e(u', rG_2) = e(w', G_2)
    let pairing1 = optimal_ate_pairing(&proof.u_prime, &vk.g_r);
    let pairing2 = optimal_ate_pairing(&proof.w_prime, g2);
    let check1 = pairing1 == pairing2;

    // Check e(u', G_2) = e(v', tG_2)
    let pairing3 = optimal_ate_pairing(&proof.u_prime, g2);
    let pairing4 = optimal_ate_pairing(&proof.v_prime, &vk.g_t_s);
    let check2 = pairing3 == pairing4;

    check1 && check2