Source code for aijack.defense.foolsgold.server

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from ...manager import BaseManager

EPS = 1e-8

[docs]def calculate_cs(cs, num_clients, aggregate_historical_gradients): for i_idx in range(num_clients): for j_idx in range(i_idx + 1, num_clients): cs[i_idx][j_idx] = F.cosine_similarity( aggregate_historical_gradients[i_idx], aggregate_historical_gradients[j_idx], 0, EPS, ) cs[j_idx][i_idx] = cs[i_idx][j_idx] return cs
[docs]def normalize_cs(cs, v, num_clients): for i_idx in range(num_clients): for j_idx in range(num_clients): if v[j_idx] > v[i_idx]: cs[i_idx][j_idx] *= v[i_idx] / v[j_idx] return cs
[docs]def attach_foolsgold_to_server(cls): """Wraps the given class in FoolsGoldServerWrapper. Returns: cls: a class wrapped in FoolsGoldServerWrapper """ class FoolsGoldServerWrapper(cls): """Implementation of""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FoolsGoldServerWrapper, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) tmp_flatten_local_gradient = [p.view(-1) for p in self.server_model.parameters()] ).to(self.device) self.aggregate_historical_gradients = [ torch.zeros_like(tmp_flatten_local_gradient) for i in range(len(self.clients)) ] self.cs = np.zeros((len(self.clients), len(self.clients))) self.v = np.zeros(len(self.clients)) self.alpha = np.zeros(len(self.clients)) def update(self): self.update_weight() self.update_from_gradients() def update_weight(self): """Updates weight for each client given the received local gradients.""" for i, local_gradient in enumerate(self.uploaded_gradients): self.aggregate_historical_gradients[i] += [ for g in local_gradient[1]] ).to(self.device) num_clients = len(self.uploaded_gradients) self.cs = self.calculate_cs( self.cs, num_clients, self.aggregate_historical_gradients ) self.v = np.max(self.cs, axis=1) self.cs = self.normalize_cs(self.cs, self.v, num_clients) self.alpha = np.max(self.cs, axis=1) self.alpha = self.alpha / (np.max(self.alpha) + EPS) self.weight = self.alpha return FoolsGoldServerWrapper
[docs]class FoolsGoldServerManager(BaseManager): """Manager class for FoolsGold proposed in"""
[docs] def attach(self, cls): """Wraps the given class in FoolsGoldServerWrapper. Returns: cls: a class wrapped in FoolsGoldServerWrapper """ return attach_foolsgold_to_server(cls, *self.args, **self.kwargs)