Source code for aijack.defense.debugging.assertions.assertions

import cv2
import numpy as np

from .utils import Hungarian

[docs]class MultiBoxAssertionError(AssertionError): """Custom assertion error class for multi-box assertions""" def __init__(self, message): """ Initialize a MultiBoxAssertionError. Args: message (str): The error message. """ super().__init__(message)
[docs]def nearly_contains(box_1, box_2, eps): """ Check if box_1 nearly contains box_2 with a given epsilon value. Args: box_1 (tuple|list): The coordinates of the first box in the format (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max). box_2 (tuple|list): The coordinates of the second box in the format (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max). eps (float): The epsilon value. Returns: bool: True if box_1 nearly contains box_2, False otherwise. """ return (box_1[0] + eps < box_2[2] or box_2[2] + eps < box_1[0]) and ( box_1[1] + eps < box_2[3] or box_2[3] + eps < box_1[1] )
[docs]def assert_multibox(boxes, counter_threshold=2, eps=0): """ Assert the multi-box condition for a list of boxes. Args: boxes (list): A list of boxes. The format of each box is a tuple or list with the format of (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max) counter_threshold (int, optional): The minimum number of overlaps required for each box. Defaults to 2. eps (float, optional): The epsilon value for nearly_contains function. Defaults to 0. Raises: MultiBoxAssertionError: If any box overlaps with more than counter_threshold other boxes. """ len_boxes = len(boxes) counter = [0 for i in range(len_boxes)] for i in range(len_boxes): for j in range(len_boxes): if i == j: continue if nearly_contains(boxes[i], boxes[j], eps): counter[i] += 1 if counter[i] >= counter_threshold: raise MultiBoxAssertionError( f"Box {i} overlaps more than {counter_threshold} other boxes." )
[docs]class FlickerException(Exception): """Custom exception class for flickering detection.""" def __init__(self, message): """ Initialize a FlickerException. Args: message (str): The error message. """ super().__init__(message)
[docs]def psnr(img_1, img_2, data_range=255, eps=1e-8): """ Calculate the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) between two images. Args: img_1 (numpy.ndarray): The first image. img_2 (numpy.ndarray): The second image. data_range (int, optional): The data range of the images. Defaults to 255. eps (float, optional): A small value to avoid division by zero. Defaults to 1e-8. Returns: float: The PSNR value. """ if img_1.shape != img_2.shape: new_shape = ( max(img_1.shape[0], img_2.shape[0]), (max(img_1.shape[1], img_2.shape[1])), ) img_1 = cv2.resize(img_1, new_shape) img_2 = cv2.resize(img_2, new_shape) mse = np.mean((img_1.astype(float) - img_2.astype(float)) ** 2) return 10 * np.log10((data_range**2) / (mse + eps))
[docs]def get_simillar_boxes( frame_1, frame_2, boxes_1, boxes_2, similarity_threshold=35, data_range=255, eps=1e-8, ): """ Get similar boxes between two frames based on the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). Args: frame_1 (numpy.ndarray): The first frame. frame_2 (numpy.ndarray): The second frame. boxes_1 (list): A list of boxes in frame_1. boxes_2 (list): A list of boxes in frame_2. similarity_threshold (float, optional): The similarity threshold for matching boxes. Defaults to 35. data_range (int, optional): The data range of the images. Defaults to 255. eps (float, optional): A small value to avoid division by zero. Defaults to 1e-8. Returns: list: A list of similar boxes. """ n1 = len(boxes_1) n2 = len(boxes_2) sim_matrix = np.zeros((max(n1, n2), max(n1, n2))) + (1 / eps) for i in range(n1): for j in range(n2): sim_matrix[i][j] = 1 / ( psnr( frame_1[ int(boxes_1[i][1]) : int(boxes_1[i][3]) :, int(boxes_1[i][0]) : int(boxes_1[i][2]), ], frame_2[ int(boxes_2[j][1]) : int(boxes_2[j][3]) :, int(boxes_2[j][0]) : int(boxes_2[j][2]), ], data_range, eps, ) + eps ) h = Hungarian() assignment = h.compute(sim_matrix) sim_thres_inv = 1 / similarity_threshold similar_boxes = [] for ass in assignment: if sim_matrix[ass[0]][ass[1]] < sim_thres_inv: similar_boxes.append(boxes_2[ass[1]]) return similar_boxes
[docs]def except_flicker( frames, boxes_of_frames, cur_frame_id=-1, window_size=10, similarity_threshold=35, data_range=255, ): """ Check for flickering between the current frame and previous frames. Args: frames (list): A list of frames. boxes_of_frames (list): A list of boxes for each frame. cur_frame_id (int, optional): The index of the current frame. Defaults to -1. window_size (int, optional): The number of previous frames to consider. Defaults to 10. similarity_threshold (float, optional): The similarity threshold for matching boxes. Defaults to 35. data_range (int, optional): The data range of the images. Defaults to 255. Raises: FlickerException: If flickering is detected between the current frame and a previous frame. """ cur_frame = frames[cur_frame_id] cur_boxes = boxes_of_frames[cur_frame_id] for i in range( cur_frame_id - 1, max(-len(frames), cur_frame_id - window_size) - 1, -1 ): similar_boxes = get_simillar_boxes( cur_frame, frames[i], cur_boxes, boxes_of_frames[i], similarity_threshold, data_range, ) if len(similar_boxes) == 0: for j in range( i - 1, max(-len(frames), cur_frame_id - window_size) - 1, -1 ): overlapping_boxes = get_simillar_boxes( cur_frame, frames[j], cur_boxes, boxes_of_frames[j], similarity_threshold, data_range, ) if len(overlapping_boxes) == 0: continue else: raise FlickerException( f"Flickering detected between frame {cur_frame_id} and frame {j}" ) else: cur_frame = frames[i] cur_boxes = similar_boxes