Source code for aijack.defense.crobustness.pixeldp

import math
from math import log, sqrt

import numpy as np
import torch
from statsmodels.stats.proportion import proportion_confint

log1c25 = log(1.25)

[docs]def clopper_pearson_interval(num_success, num_total, alpha): """ Calculate the Clopper-Pearson confidence interval. Args: num_success (int): Number of successes. num_total (int): Total number of trials. alpha (float): Significance level. Returns: tuple: Lower and upper bounds of the confidence interval. """ return proportion_confint(num_success, num_total, alpha=2 * alpha, method="beta")
[docs]def gaus_delta_term(delta): """ Calculate the Gaussian delta term. Args: delta (float): Delta value. Returns: float: Gaussian delta term. """ return sqrt(2 * (log1c25 - log(delta)))
[docs]def get_maximum_L_laplace(lower_bound, upper_bound, L, dp_eps): """ Calculate the maximum L value for Laplace mechanism. Args: lower_bound (float): Lower bound of the confidence interval. upper_bound (float): Upper bound of the confidence interval. L (float): Sensitivity parameter. dp_eps (float): Epsilon value for differential privacy. Returns: float: Maximum L value. """ if lower_bound <= upper_bound: return 0.0 return L * log(lower_bound / upper_bound) / (2 * dp_eps)
[docs]def get_maximum_L_gaussian( p_max_lb, p_sec_ub, attack_size, dp_epsilon, dp_delta, delta_range=None, eps_min=0.0, eps_max=1.0, tolerance=0.001, ): """ Calculate the maximum L value for Gaussian mechanism. Args: p_max_lb (float): Lower bound of the maximum probability. p_sec_ub (float): Upper bound of the second maximum probability. attack_size (float): Size of the attack. dp_epsilon (float): Epsilon value for differential privacy. dp_delta (float): Delta value for differential privacy. delta_range (list, optional): Range of delta values. Defaults to None. eps_min (float, optional): Minimum epsilon value. Defaults to 0.0. eps_max (float, optional): Maximum epsilon value. Defaults to 1.0. tolerance (float, optional): Tolerance for epsilon search. Defaults to 0.001. Returns: float: Maximum L value. """ # Based on the original implementation: # if p_max_lb <= p_sec_ub: return 0.0 if delta_range is None: delta_range = list(np.arange(0.001, 0.3, 0.001)) max_r = 0.0 for delta in delta_range: eps = (eps_min + eps_max) / 2 while eps_min < eps and eps_max >= eps: L_temp = ( attack_size * (eps / dp_epsilon) * (gaus_delta_term(dp_delta) / gaus_delta_term(delta)) ) if p_max_lb >= math.e ** (2 * eps) * p_sec_ub + (1 + math.e**eps) * delta: if L_temp > max_r: max_r = L_temp eps_min = eps eps = (eps_min + eps_max) / 2.0 else: # eps is too big for delta eps_max = eps eps = (eps_min + eps_max) / 2.0 if eps_max - eps_min < tolerance: break return max_r
[docs]def get_certified_robustness_size_argmax(counts, eta, L, eps, delta, mode="gaussian"): """ Calculate the maximum certified robustness size. Args: counts (torch.Tensor): Count of predictions. eta (float): Eta value. L (float): Sensitivity parameter. eps (float): Epsilon value. delta (float): Delta value. mode (str, optional): Mode of calculation. Defaults to "gaussian". Returns: float: Maximum certified robustness size. """ total_counts = torch.sum(counts) sorted_counts, _ = torch.sort(counts) lb = clopper_pearson_interval(sorted_counts[-1], total_counts, eta)[0] ub = clopper_pearson_interval(sorted_counts[-2], total_counts, eta)[1] if mode == "laplace": return get_maximum_L_laplace(lb, ub, L, eps) elif mode == "gaussian": return get_maximum_L_gaussian(lb, ub, L, eps, delta) else: raise ValueError(f"{mode} is not supported")
[docs]class PixelDP(torch.nn.Module): """Implementation of Lecuyer, Mathias, et al. 'Certified robustness to adversarial examples with differential privacy.' 2019 IEEE symposium on security and privacy (SP). IEEE, 2019.""" def __init__( self, model, num_classes, L, eps, delta, n_population_mc=1000, batch_size_mc=32, eta=0.05, mode="laplace", sensitivity=1, ): """ Initialize the PixelDP module. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): The model to be used. num_classes (int): Number of classes. L (float): Sensitivity parameter. eps (float): Epsilon value. delta (float): Delta value. n_population_mc (int, optional): Number of samples for Monte Carlo. Defaults to 1000. batch_size_mc (int, optional): Batch size for Monte Carlo. Defaults to 32. eta (float, optional): Eta value. Defaults to 0.05. mode (str, optional): Mode of operation. Defaults to "laplace". sensitivity (float, optional): Sensitivity value. Defaults to 1. """ super(PixelDP, self).__init__() self.model = model self.num_classes = num_classes self.L = L self.eps = eps = delta self.n_population_mc = n_population_mc self.batch_size_mc = batch_size_mc self.eta = eta self.mode = mode if self.mode == "laplace": self.sigma = sensitivity * L / eps self.dist = torch.distributions.laplace.Laplace(0, self.sigma) elif self.mode == "gaussian": self.sigma = gaus_delta_term(delta) * sensitivity * L / eps else: raise ValueError(f"{mode} is not supported")
[docs] def sample_noise(self, x): """ Sample noise for the given input. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Input tensor. Returns: torch.Tensor: Sampled noise. """ if self.mode == "laplace": return self.dist.sample(x.shape).to(x.device) else: return torch.randn_like(x, device=x.device) * self.sigma
[docs] def forward(self, x): if return self.forward_train(x) else: return self.forward_eval(x)
[docs] def forward_train(self, x): return self.model(x + self.sample_noise(x))
[docs] def forward_eval(self, x): remaining_num = self.n_population_mc input_dim = len(x.shape) - 1 with torch.no_grad(): preds = torch.zeros(self.num_classes, device=x.device) counts = torch.zeros(self.num_classes, device=x.device) while remaining_num > 0: batch_size = min(self.batch_size_mc, remaining_num) remaining_num -= batch_size inputs = x.repeat(tuple([batch_size] + [1] * input_dim)) noise = self.sample_noise(inputs) tmp_pred = self.model(inputs + noise) tmp_pred_argmax = tmp_pred.argmax(1) preds += tmp_pred.sum(0) for i in range(len(tmp_pred_argmax)): counts[tmp_pred_argmax[i]] += 1 return preds, counts
[docs] def certify(self, counts): """ Certify the robustness of the model. Args: counts (torch.Tensor): Count of predictions. Returns: float: Certified robustness size. """ return get_certified_robustness_size_argmax( counts, self.eta, self.L, self.eps,, self.mode )