Source code for aijack.collaborative.dsfl.client

from ...utils.metrics import crossentropyloss_between_logits
from ...utils.utils import default_local_train_for_client, torch_round_x_decimal
from ..core import BaseClient
from ..fedmd.client import initialize_global_logit

[docs]class DSFLClient(BaseClient): """Client of DS-FL. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): _description_ public_dataloader ( a dataloader of the public dataset. output_dim (int, optional): the dimension of the output. Defaults to 1. round_decimal (int, optional): number of digits to round up. Defaults to None. device (str, optional): device type. Defaults to "cpu". user_id (int, optional): id of this client. Defaults to 0. """ def __init__( self, model, public_dataloader, output_dim=1, round_decimal=None, consensus_scale=1.0, device="cpu", user_id=0, ): """Init DSFLClient.""" super().__init__(model, user_id) self.public_dataloader = public_dataloader self.round_decimal = round_decimal self.device = device self.global_logit = None self.consensus_scale = consensus_scale len_public_dataloader = len(self.public_dataloader.dataset) self.logit2server = initialize_global_logit( len_public_dataloader, output_dim, self.device )
[docs] def upload(self): """Upload the output logits on the public dataset to the server. Returns: torch.Tensor: the output logits of the public dataset. """ for data in self.public_dataloader: idx = data[0] x = data[1] x = self.logit2server[idx, :] = self(x).detach().softmax(dim=-1) if self.round_decimal is None: return self.logit2server else: return torch_round_x_decimal(self.logit2server, self.round_decimal)
[docs] def download(self, global_logit): """Download the global logits from the server. Args: global_logit (torch.Tensor): the global logits from the server """ self.global_logit = global_logit
[docs] def local_train(self, local_epoch, criterion, trainloader, optimizer): return default_local_train_for_client( self, local_epoch, criterion, trainloader, optimizer )
[docs] def approach_consensus(self, consensus_optimizer): """Train the own local model to minimize the distance between the global logits and the output logits of the local model on the public dataset. Args: consensus_optimizer (torch.optim.Optimizer): an optimizer to train the local model. Returns: float: averaged loss. """ running_loss = 0 for global_data in self.public_dataloader: idx = global_data[0] x = global_data[1].to(self.device) y_global = self.global_logit[idx, :].to(self.device).detach() consensus_optimizer.zero_grad() y_local = self(x) loss_consensus = self.consensus_scale * crossentropyloss_between_logits( y_local, y_global ) loss_consensus.backward() consensus_optimizer.step() running_loss += loss_consensus.item() running_loss /= len(self.public_dataloader) return running_loss