Source code for aijack.attack.inversion.mi_face

import torch
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from ..base_attack import BaseAttacker

[docs]class MI_FACE(BaseAttacker): """Implementation of model inversion attack reference: Attributes: target_model: model of the victim input_shape: input shapes of taregt model auxterm_func (function): the default is constant function process_func (function): the default is identity function """ def __init__( self, target_model, input_shape=(1, 1, 64, 64), target_label=0, lam=0.01, num_itr=100, auxterm_func=lambda x: 0, process_func=lambda x: x, apply_softmax=False, device="cpu", log_interval=1, log_show_img=False, show_img_func=lambda x: x * 0.5 + 0.5, ): """Inits MI_FACE Args: target_model: model of the victim input_shape: input shapes of taregt model auxterm_func (function): the default is constant function process_func (function): the default is identity function """ super().__init__(target_model) self.input_shape = input_shape self.target_label = target_label self.lam = lam self.num_itr = num_itr self.auxterm_func = auxterm_func self.process_func = process_func self.device = device self.log_interval = log_interval self.log_show_img = log_show_img self.apply_softmax = apply_softmax self.show_img_func = show_img_func self.log_image = []
[docs] def attack( self, init_x=None, ): """Execute the model inversion attack on the target model. Args: target_label (int): taregt label lam (float): step size num_itr (int): number of iteration Returns: best_img: inversed image with the best score log : """ log = [] if init_x is None: x = torch.zeros(self.input_shape, requires_grad=True).to(self.device) else: init_x = x = init_x best_score = float("inf") best_img = None for i in range(self.num_itr): x = x.detach() x.requires_grad = True pred = self.target_model(x) pred = pred.softmax(dim=1) if self.apply_softmax else pred target_pred = pred[:, [self.target_label]] c = 1 - target_pred + self.auxterm_func(x) c.backward() grad = x.grad if c.item() < best_score: best_img = x with torch.no_grad(): x -= self.lam * grad x = self.process_func(x) log.append(c.item()) if self.log_interval != 0 and i % self.log_interval == 0: print(f"epoch {i}: {c.item()}") self._show_img(x) self.log_image.append(x.clone()) self._show_img(x) return best_img, log
def _show_img(self, x): if self.log_show_img: if self.input_shape[1] == 1: plt.imshow( self.show_img_func(x.detach().cpu().numpy()[0][0]), cmap="gray", ) else: plt.imshow( self.show_img_func(x.detach().cpu().numpy()[0].transpose(1, 2, 0)) )