Source code for aijack.attack.evasion.evasion_attack

import copy

import numpy as np
import sklearn

from ..base_attack import BaseAttacker

[docs]class Evasion_attack_sklearn(BaseAttacker): """Creates an adversarial example against sklearn objects based on Args: target_model (sklearn): sklearn classifier X_minus_1 (numpy.array): datasets that contains only the class you want to misclasssify dmax (float): max distance between the adversarial example and initial one max_iter (int): maxium number of iterations gamma (float): parameter gamma of svm (used for only svm) lam (float): trade - off parameter t (float): step_size h (float): a badwidtch paramter for a KDE distance (str): type of distance such as L2 or L1 kde_type (str): type of kernel density estimator Attributes: target_model (sklearn): sklearn classifier X_minus_1 (numpy.array): datasets that contains only the class you want to misclasssify dmax (float): max distance between the adversarial example and initial one max_iter (int): maxium number of iterations gamma (float): parameter gamma of svm (used for only svm) lam (float): trade - off parameter t (float): step_size h (float): a badwidtch paramter for a KDE distance (str): type of distance such as L2 or L1 kde_type (str): type of kernel density estimator n_minus_1 (int): number of rows of X_minus_1 delta_g (func): deviation of he discriminant function of a surrogate classifier f learnt on D Raises: ValueError: if given distance is not supported. """ def __init__( self, target_model, X_minus_1, dmax, max_iter, gamma, lam, t, h, distance="L1", kde_type="L1", ): super().__init__(target_model) self.X_minus_1 = X_minus_1 self.dmax = dmax self.max_iter = max_iter self.gamma = gamma self.lam = lam self.t = t self.h = h self.kde_type = kde_type self.n_minus_1 = X_minus_1.shape[0] self.delta_g = None self.distance = None _ = self._detect_type_of_classifier() if distance == "L1": self.distance = lambda x1, x2: np.sum(np.abs(x1 - x2)) else: raise ValueError(f"distance type {distance} is not defined") def _detect_type_of_classifier(self): """Sets proper attributes based on the type of classifier Returns: return True (bool) if there is no error Raises: ValueError : if target classifier is not supported """ target_type = type(self.target_model) if target_type == sklearn.svm._classes.SVC: params = self.target_model.get_params() kernel_type = params["kernel"] if kernel_type == "rbf": def kernel(xm): return np.exp( -self.gamma * ((xm - self.target_model.support_vectors_) ** 2) ) def delta_kernel(xm): return ( (-2 * self.gamma) * kernel(xm) * (xm - self.target_model.support_vectors_) ) elif kernel_type == "linear": def delta_kernel(xm): return self.target_model.support_vectors_ elif kernel_type == "poly": p = params["degree"] c = self.target_model.intercept_ def delta_kernel(xm): return ( p * (((xm * self.target_model.support_vectors_) + c) ** (p - 1)) * self.target_model.support_vectors_ ) else: raise ValueError(f"kernel type {kernel_type} is not supported") self.delta_g = lambda xm: else: raise ValueError(f"target type {target_type} is not supported") return True def _get_delta_p(self, xm): """Calculates deviation of the estimated density p(xm−1 |yc = −1) Args: xm (np.array) : an adversarial example Returns: delta_p (np.array) : deviation of p """ if self.kde_type == "L1": a = -1 / (self.n_minus_1 * self.h) b = np.exp(-(np.sum(np.abs(xm - self.X_minus_1), axis=1)) / self.h).dot( xm - self.X_minus_1 ) delta_p = a * b return delta_p def _get_grad_f(self, xm, norm="l1"): """Calculates deviation of objective function F Args: xm (np.array) : an adversarial example norm (str) : type of distance for normalization Returns: delta_f (np.array) : deviation of F Raises: ValueError : if the type of norm is not supported """ delta_f = self.delta_g(xm) - self.lam * self._get_delta_p(xm) if norm == "l1": delta_f /= np.sum(np.abs(delta_f)) + 1e-5 elif norm == "l2": delta_f /= np.sqrt(np.sum(delta_f**2, axis=0)) + 1e-5 else: raise ValueError(f"norm type {norm} is not defined") return delta_f
[docs] def attack(self, x0): """Executes evasion attack Args: x0 (np.array) : initial data point Returns: xm (np.array) : created adversarial example g_list (list) : lof of decision function (only for svm) (need future improvement) """ g_list = [] xm = copy.copy(x0) for i in range(self.max_iter): delta_f = self._get_grad_f(xm) xm -= self.t * delta_f.reshape(-1) d = self.distance(xm, x0) # + i * (10/255) if d > self.dmax: xm = x0 + ((xm - x0) / d) * self.dmax g_list.append(self.target_model.decision_function(xm.reshape(1, -1))) return xm, g_list