Source code for aijack.attack.evasion.diva

import torch

from ..base_attack import BaseAttacker

[docs]class DIVAWhiteBoxAttacker(BaseAttacker): """Class implementing the DIVA white-box attack. This class provides functionality to perform the DIVA white-box attack on a target model. Args: target_model (torch.nn.Module): The target model to be attacked. target_model_on_edge (torch.nn.Module): The target model deployed on the edge. c (float, optional): The trade-off parameter between origin and edge predictions. Defaults to 1.0. num_itr (int, optional): The number of iterations for the attack. Defaults to 1000. eps (float, optional): The maximum perturbation allowed. Defaults to 0.1. lam (float, optional): The step size for gradient updates. Defaults to 0.01. device (str, optional): The device to perform computation on. Defaults to "cpu". Attributes: target_model (torch.nn.Module): The target model to be attacked. target_model_on_edge (torch.nn.Module): The target model deployed on the edge. c (float): The trade-off parameter between origin and edge predictions. num_itr (int): The number of iterations for the attack. eps (float): The maximum perturbation allowed. lam (float): The step size for gradient updates. device (str): The device to perform computation on. """ def __init__( self, target_model, target_model_on_edge, c=1.0, num_itr=1000, eps=0.1, lam=0.01, device="cpu", ): super().__init__(target_model) self.target_model_on_edge = target_model_on_edge self.c = c self.num_itr = num_itr self.eps = eps self.lam = lam self.device = device
[docs] def attack(self, data): """Performs the DIVA white-box attack on input data. Args: data (tuple): A tuple containing input data and corresponding labels. Returns: tuple: A tuple containing the adversarial examples and attack logs. """ x, y = data x = y = x_origin = torch.clone(x) log_loss = [] log_perturbation = [] for _ in range(self.num_itr): x = x.detach().to(self.device) x.requires_grad = True origin_pred = self.target_model(x) edge_pred = self.target_model_on_edge(x) loss = origin_pred[:, y] - self.c * edge_pred[:, y] loss.backward() grad = x.grad with torch.no_grad(): x += self.lam * grad x = torch.clamp(x, x_origin - self.eps, x_origin + self.eps) log_loss.append(loss.item()) log_perturbation.append(torch.mean((x - x_origin).abs()).item()) if origin_pred.argmax().item() != edge_pred.argmax().item(): break return x, {"log_loss": log_loss, "log_perturbation": log_perturbation}