Source code for aijack.attack.backdoor.dba

import random

import torch

from ...manager import BaseManager

[docs]def attach_dba_to_client( cls, decomposed_trigger_rules, target_label, poison_ratio, scale ): """Wraps the given class in DistributedBackdoorAttackClientWrapper. Args: cls: Server class decomposed_trigger_rules ([function]): list of functions that define the decomposed trigger rules for each client target_label (int): a label that the attacker want to make the victim model predict when the inupt contains the trigger poison_ratio (float): a ratio of poisoned samples scale (_type_): scale for the uploaded gradients Returns: cls: a class wrapped in DistributedBackdoorAttackClientWrapper """ class DistributedBackdoorAttackClientWrapper(cls): """Implementation of""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DistributedBackdoorAttackClientWrapper, self).__init__( *args, **kwargs ) def upload_gradients(self): """Uploads the local gradients""" gradients = [] for param, prev_param in zip(self.model.parameters(), self.prev_parameters): gradients.append((prev_param - param) / * scale) return gradients def local_train( self, local_epoch, criterion, trainloader, optimizer, communication_id=0 ): loss_log = [] for _ in range(local_epoch): running_loss = 0.0 running_data_num = 0 for _, data in enumerate(trainloader, 0): inputs, labels = data inputs = if random.random() < poison_ratio: inputs = decomposed_trigger_rules[self.user_id](inputs) labels = torch.ones_like(labels) * target_label labels = optimizer.zero_grad() self.zero_grad() outputs = self(inputs) loss = criterion(outputs, labels) loss.backward() optimizer.step() running_loss += loss.item() running_data_num += inputs.shape[0] loss_log.append(running_loss / running_data_num) return loss_log return DistributedBackdoorAttackClientWrapper
[docs]class DistributedBackdoorAttackClientManager(BaseManager): """Manager class for DistributedBackdoorAttack proposed in"""
[docs] def attach(self, cls): """Wraps the given class in DistributedBackdoorAttackClientWrapper. Returns: cls: a class wrapped in DistributedBackdoorAttackClientWrapper """ return attach_dba_to_client(cls, *self.args, **self.kwargs)